Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Getting ready for Gabriella's arrival!

Last night I attended a baby shower for Elyssa and Gabriella given by her church.  We had a good time together playing games, eating, seeing Elyssa open all her gifts and having fellowship.  Her pastor's wife, Mrs. Wells gave a sweet devotion on "Memories". 
I'm not sure if I'm numb or it just hasn't hit me yet that Elyssa is going to be a mommy and me a grandmommy!  Nonetheless... I'm soooo excited!  I have been trying to get all my church office work finished so I can be there when the time comes.  33 more days!!!!!!!!!  :) 

 Both "soon to be grandmas" trying to change a diaper with one hand and blind folded.

Mrs. Wells giving the devotion.

"Opening some of her gifts"

Sonia, Elyssa & Penny

Elyssa's mother n law, Elyssa and her mom.

 Elyssa's mother n law, Mrs. Zapata made this for the baby shower she gave Elyssa with both sides of Jareds family.  I thought it was the cutiest decoration.  Everything on the bear is made of things that can be used for the baby.  If you notice the wheels they are diapers!  :)  I thought I'd share this idea with you in case any of you would like to use it.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Commonwealth Baptist College Tour Group

Last night we had a ladies tour group from Commonwealth Baptist College in Lexington, KY come to our church.  Before the evening service we held an hour concert where the girls sang and did a beautiful job.  Dr. Jorgensen, Vice President of the college, promoted the college, gave information and answered any questions that the teens may have had.  We really enjoyed having them come.
Our church has 6 students in the college including our 2 sons Danny and David.

"Voices of Melody"

Sunday School Class Activity

Yesterday I took 4 out of 6 winners from my Sunday School class on an activity.  These girls had perfect attendance throughout the last campaign.  After church we went to "Red Robin" to have lunch.  They have some gooooood burgers!  :)  Then after that we went to a tropical fish aquarium, shopped at a gift and card shop then ended up at Target!  It was just a time to spend together and enjoy each others company. 
I really enjoy teaching teen girls therefore, I really enjoy my class!  These girls are very special to me and they know I would do anything for them to help them and make sure they turn out to be young ladies who love and serve the Lord!
I love you girls!  Always thinking and praying for you!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Good friends meet again!

When we moved to Longview, TX our son, Andres was only 1 year old!  Well, he didn't know it at the time but Scottie Gray (Dr. Bob Gray's grandson) and Andres would become good friends.  Scottie at the time was only 9 months old.  They got to know each other at a young age, started K-5 together and went to school together up until 4th grade.  Then the Lord called each of our families to serve Him in separate parts of the country.
This past week they had a chance to reunite and have a good time together in Teen Convention.  Both boys will now be seniors in highschool and plan to go to Bible College and some day serve the Lord!

How important it is that our children have the right kind of friends!

Thank you Lord for my unexpected blessing!

You know how the Lord gives us those extra little blessings that are unexpected and would think they wouldn't happen?  Well He did that for me Wednesday night as if I wasn't blessed enough by the whole evening!  (It was such a blessing, I didn't want the evening to come to an end!  Nor did alot of the teens!)
After the service and spending time with the people we knew at TC we went to IHOP with our son, Andres, our daughter, Elyssa and son n law Jared.  We walked in the front door and my husband went up to the hostess to get a table and she looked at him and said, "Pastor Ortiz?"  And he said "Yes?"  (He was not sure who she was and of course she asked him if he remembered her!  I looked at her and thought she looked familiar but didn't know her name.  Then she said, "I'm Margarita !"  Then I knew!  When we were living in Longview and my husband was the spanish pastor she attended our church.  At the time she was a bus rider around 8 years old and was in my S.S. class.  We hugged!  It was sooo good to see her again after 12-13 years.  I never knew what happened to her.  When I'd go visit her every Friday I use to hate to say good-bye not knowing how the rest of her weekend would be knowing her dad was a very heavy drinker. 
We had a very nice talk and reminisced about old times and how she was so faithful to church. 
That happening I must say topped my night!

Margarita and I

Back home tired but blessed!

Well, our week at Teen Convention came to an end.  The kids didn't want to come home but the adults did!  Lol!  We had such a great week!  This morning we met at 8:00 am like we have all week and had singing, competitions and preaching.  It was our teams last opportunity to try to get as many points as we could!  For the most part, our team was behind and had little hope to win 1st.  We had competitions and to our surprise bumped us up to win 1st place!  Our prize was that each of us got to take home a little red men that they used to decorated the auditorium with.  Our teens used them to get autographs on from the friends they made this week.

Final competitions

Final score, we were team "D"

The teens with their winning prizes!

Back in Lewisville, TX

Now comes alot of prayer that our kids keep fresh in their minds what decisions they have made.  Needless to say the devil is not happy with the spiritual progress that was made this week.  We plan to do all we can to keep our teens on tract.  We will be attending 2 more teen conferences this summer to help them stay were they need to be.   I love you kids! I will be praying for you! 

Still having a great time!

It's early Thursday morning almost 2:30 in the morning.  Yes we are tired but the week has been so incredible!  Our teens as well as the others that have come to the conference, have had a great time!  There is such a sweet spirit among them.  We have not only laughed alot but we've cried many tears in the decisions the teens have made.  We have seen the Holy Spirit convict their hearts and witnessed them get right with God!
For those of you that have prayed....Thank you!  As a pastor's wife it is such a joy to see the Lord move in the hearts of our members!  God is good!
My husband preached Tuesday morning on "Love not the world".  He did a great job!   But the highlight of my week so far was when he preached last night on "And I sought for a man among them".  WOW!  He truely did an outstanding job!  The Lord used him in a mighty way!  The invitation was for those young men who would surrender to preach and for young ladies to surrender to be preacher's or missionaries wifes.  There were many young people who came forward including 4 of our own teens.
More pictures for you to enjoy!

Our teens

Singing competition-guys vs. girls


My husband preaching Tuesday morning.

My husband preaching Wednesday night

Those that surrendered to preach or be pastor's/missionaries wifes.

                                                                   AFTER THE SERVICE