Saturday, March 19, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog, family and friends! 

I thought it would be a great idea to be able to share with all of you at the same time how things are going with my home life and church. 
Also I hope it is a blessing to you and maybe give you ideas to use whether it is for your personal life or the ministry.

At the time of this writing my husband and I have only one son left at home, Andres who will be 17 in a couple of weeks.  David, who is 18 and Danny who is 21 are in Commonwealth Baptist College in Lexington, KY.  Our oldest, Elyssa was married last June to Jared Zapata.  They are living in Mesquite, TX and will be making us grandparents in August! :)

Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. hermana que bendición saber de este blog y poder verles a atraves de este medio.
    Me da mucha alegría que esten bien y que todos en la congregación sean tan bendecidos.
    Saludos a todos los hermanos y a su hija especialmente por su embarazo.
    Que dios le guarde mcuho y les prospere en gran manera , le voy a seguir a traves de acá.
    Cuidense mucho.
    Su voluntad Mi deseo.
    Con gozo hermana Maureen.
