Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Getting ready for Gabriella's arrival!

Last night I attended a baby shower for Elyssa and Gabriella given by her church.  We had a good time together playing games, eating, seeing Elyssa open all her gifts and having fellowship.  Her pastor's wife, Mrs. Wells gave a sweet devotion on "Memories". 
I'm not sure if I'm numb or it just hasn't hit me yet that Elyssa is going to be a mommy and me a grandmommy!  Nonetheless... I'm soooo excited!  I have been trying to get all my church office work finished so I can be there when the time comes.  33 more days!!!!!!!!!  :) 

 Both "soon to be grandmas" trying to change a diaper with one hand and blind folded.

Mrs. Wells giving the devotion.

"Opening some of her gifts"

Sonia, Elyssa & Penny

Elyssa's mother n law, Elyssa and her mom.

 Elyssa's mother n law, Mrs. Zapata made this for the baby shower she gave Elyssa with both sides of Jareds family.  I thought it was the cutiest decoration.  Everything on the bear is made of things that can be used for the baby.  If you notice the wheels they are diapers!  :)  I thought I'd share this idea with you in case any of you would like to use it.

1 comment:

  1. Cómo está hermana ? la veo muy bien y disfrutando esta etapa de futura abuelita,que hermosa idea la del oso solo que me gustaría me cuente qué es la manibela de la moto o bicicleta no sé que es.
    Las llantas son pañales y los manubrios y donde pone las patitas son medias o zapatitos. el foco es el biberón. Muy original y hermosa sorpresa para una futura mamá...Bendiciones.
