Friday, June 3, 2011

Being a homemaker today!

I thought twice about posting this blog because I thought maybe it might be silly to post.  But then I got to thinking of how much we need to be encouraged or reminded to do the simple things or the things that we already know how to do but just don't do it.  So here it is and hope it encourages you to do some organizing and putting some time into your home. 
At this time, my husband is in Brazil preaching for our Missionary, Bro. Juan Vallejo.  Everytime he is out of town I make a list of things to do that I normally don't have much time to complete.  I try to keep myself as busy as possible so that the time won't go so slow.  I'm usually very busy with church work but I found that today was going to be a day I could give to my home.  I got to work in my flower garden, and reorganize my kitchen and food pantry.  What a tiring but satisfying day!

Yes, I'm a slave driver!  My son Andres.

I love flowers! :)

This use to be my pantry but since I'm buying less groceries these days (thanks to Danny and David being in college) I decided to put all my small appliances, extra serving dishes and odds and ends here.

Then I cleaned the kitchen cabinets and lined them with shelf contact paper and organized all my spices, canned goods, snacks, etc.  It's so much easier to cook and do grocery shopping when you know what you have.  (Speaking from experience!)  All I have left to do in the kitchen is the cabinet with my pots and pans then "Mission Accomplished!"

Oh, I almost forgot!!!  My tupperware cabinet!  This is one cabinet that I can never keep straightened.  I put my glass casserole dishes and bowls on top and all tupperware and plasticeware on the bottom. 
I think we can keep it up this time!  :) 
Mom, aren't you proud of me!  Now you don't have to straighten it up when you come visit!  I know you did so out of pure frustration when you would reach for one and 4 or 5 containers would fall out each time!  (Am I the only one this happens to?)

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