Sunday, June 5, 2011

Spending time with my daughter!

Jared has now started part-time deputation on the weekends.  Since it's a little hard for Elyssa to travel at this time for hours at a time, he will not be taking her till after the baby is born.  So being the wonderful son n law that he is, he drove her here to our house to spend the weekend with me.  With my husband being out of town in Brazil it was nice for Andres and I to have her home for a few days. 
Yes, I pampered her and let her relax and rest as much as she could.  Before she came she put in her order for her Saturday dinner...mexican rice and mole.  (LOL! Not mole the animal but mole a mexican food dish.)  It was nice having her home for the evening and all day today in church with me. 
I'm so thankful that I have a good mother daughter relationship with Elyssa where we can talk about the ministry, babies :), receipes and so much more! 
Raising children is a lot of hard work but the reaping is so wonderful and fun.  I am so thankful for the daughter that the Lord has given me!  I love you mija!

Elyssa in my kitchen....waiting for her requested meal. :)

1 comment:

  1. que hermoso hermana Dios no me dio hijas pero deseo que mis nueras sean esas hijas que Dios no me dio. Oro mucho por eso y también porque sé que algún, día tendré nietas , si esa es su voluntad. Me alegra mucho por ambas.
    Dios le continue bendiciendo.
