Saturday, March 19, 2011

Our first meeting of the year!

The theme for our last month's meeting was "Showing Christ's Love In Many Ways!"  I taught that there are three ways we can show Christ's love.  Through soul winning, missions and our actions.  I John 4:7-11 shows us how important love is as a Christian and how important it is to show it. 

We had a great meeting with singing, announcements, give-aways, the devotion, reading missionary letters and praying for them.  Ending the whole evening we served giant burritos!  Our meetings are well balanced!

Missionary Circle Leaders 2011

Our church supports 45 missionaries.  Not only do we support them with a monthly love offering but through other ways.  We have 8 missionary circle leaders and under each one has a group of ladies.  Each circle is named after a lady in the Bible.  Every circle has 5-6 missionaries that pray specifically for them, call or email them to say hello and send out birthday and anniversary cards. 
My leaders do a great job!  They do as much as they can to let our missionaries know that our church loves and prays for them.  These are my leaders.
From left to right:  Gloria Landeros (Ruth Circle), Maria Carpenter (Rebeca Circle), Laura Arevalo (Sarah Circle), Nellie Muela (Debora Circle), Roberta Ortiz (Dorcas Circle), Sandra Guzman (Priscilla Circle), Alma Moreno (Esther Circle) and Mirtha Rios (Eunice Circle).

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog, family and friends! 

I thought it would be a great idea to be able to share with all of you at the same time how things are going with my home life and church. 
Also I hope it is a blessing to you and maybe give you ideas to use whether it is for your personal life or the ministry.

At the time of this writing my husband and I have only one son left at home, Andres who will be 17 in a couple of weeks.  David, who is 18 and Danny who is 21 are in Commonwealth Baptist College in Lexington, KY.  Our oldest, Elyssa was married last June to Jared Zapata.  They are living in Mesquite, TX and will be making us grandparents in August! :)

Hope you enjoy!