I learned a few things this month that I wanted to share with you.
1. God is in charge of things that happen around us.
2. Do the best I can do and put the rest in God's hands.
3. Don't get so frustrated when things don't go as planned.
4. Make sure I put the right things priority.
5. Why worry when I can pray.
A little chorus that my boys use to sing when they were small, has never left my mind. It's such a simple song but the message is so big!
Why worry, when you can pray!
Trust Jesus, He'll lead the way.
Don't be a doubting Thomas,
lie fully on His promise.
Don't worry, worry, worry, worry
when you can pray!
I hope that somehow someway my month of frustrations and what I learned may be of some help to you. :) If so, it sure would make me feel like it wasn't in vain! :)
Have a great 2012!