Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Is Here!

I love spring!  Well, I like every season!  :)  I'm so glad I live in an area that I get to enjoy all four seasons.  I remember when we lived in Puerto Rico.  My first Christmas there was so hot and sunny!  I didn't have a Christmas that year!  Well at least it didn't seem like Christmas.
I was thinking of some of the things I am looking forward to in the next few weeks as spring is starting and thought I'd share them with you.  Maybe you share the same likes.
  • The cool breeze through my windows.
  • My garden that will come to life again.
  • The crisp mornings.
  • Being able to grill again.
  • A comfortable walk in the evening.
  • Seeing kites fly in the park.
  • Going for an evening ride with the windows rolled down.
  • The smell of cleaners as I begin to do a spring cleaning in my house.
  • The sound of birds singing.
  • Having more daylight.
  • Seeing the trees and flowers bloom.
  • Seeing GREEN.
  • Flower scented candles burning.
  • Switching in spring decorations on my dining room table and throughout the house and garden.
  • Going to a Ranger's baseball game.
  • Wearing summer outfits.
  • The rain.
  • The smell of fresh cut grass.
  • Eating home grown tomatoes.
God has given us so many things to enjoy!  What are some of your favorite things about spring?  Leave me a comment and share them with me!  :)

Have a great and enjoyable spring!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Our Marriage Seminar and Dinner

Every year our church has a two day marriage seminar and we end it with our Valentine's dinner.  So Thursday and Friday February 23 & 24 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. we held our seminar.  We give out notebooks with material and they can also take notes.  The tables are decorated with chocolates, mints, coffee cake and valentine decorations which is great doing this after Valentine's Day because I am able to get them at 75% off.  :)  We have a break in between each session and they are able to go to the snack table and get chips and salsa and soda or water.
This year we had 28 couples that came for the seminar and 20 couples for the dinner.  We had a great time!
I think we ALL need a yearly charge to better our marriages.  I wish every church would do this.  We need stronger marriages to have stonger homes to have stronger churches.

Marriage Seminar

Our Valentine's Dinner
Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Menjivar
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Luis Gutierrez
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Valencia
Mr. & Mrs. Gilberto Ramirez

Mr.& Mrs. Jorge Ramirez
Mr. & Mrs. Julio Vargas
Mr. & Mrs. Agustin Alvarado
Mr. & Mrs. Rene Rios
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Ortiz, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Salvador Arevalo
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Espinoza
Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Rivera
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Olivo
Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Morin
Mr. & Mrs. Omar Dinarte
Mr. & Mrs. Salvador Rojas
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Daniel
Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Landeros
Mr. & Mrs. Leonel Guevara
Pastor & Mrs. Danny Ortiz

We played a game "He loves me, he loves me not!"  The spouse had to draw a piece of paper that said either "He loves me "or "He loves me not!"  If she picked He loves me not they had to pick another piece of paper with an action of proof he had to do to prove to her he loves her.  Here are some of the actions of proof they had to do.

A back rub!

Kiss her feet!

Sing a love song!

Do sit-ups!

Buy his wife a gift!

5 kisses in front of everyone!

Give his wife his wallet and let her take out whatever she wants!

Propose to his wife again!