On Tuesday, November 29 my husband and I left for Caracas, Venezuela to do a couples retreat and a Family Conference. Wow! What a trip! We left DFW at 12:15 pm and arrived at our final destination in Venezuela at 2:30 am on Wednesday morning. The retreat started that morning and lasted until Friday afternoon. They reserved cabins in the mountains where Germans onced migrated in the 1940's. So many of the places had a look of Germany to them. It was a very peaceful and beautiful place.
I got to speak to the ladies twice on marriage but my husband carried much of the teaching and spoke several times. The Lord really blessed that week. Many of the couples were pastors and pastor's wifes and a few couples from their churches. Many decisions and changes were made in marriages that week. But the sweetest decision was when one of the husbands accepted Christ as his Savior. His wife had been praying for him for so long!
Note: I learned how to shower and wash my hair in 4 minutes flat before the hot water ran out! :) Lol!
On Friday afternoon we headed down the mountain to Maracay, Venezuela to begin the Family Conference which would end on Sunday night. Wow what another blessing! I must say that the Lord used my husband that week! He did a tremendous job preaching! Once again we saw many decisions made and tears at the altar. I had the opportunity to speak to the mothers and daughters on Saturday morning which I enjoyed doing so.
We had been with these sweet people for a whole week and it was hard to say good-bye! But as we boarded the plane early Tuesday morning to come back to Texas, we brought them all with us in our hearts! We promised to pray for them and keep in touch.
For those of you that are now following my blog from Venezuela:
"Gracias por un tiempo maravilloso! Fue una gran bendicion para mi! Estoy orando por todos ustedes y sigan adelante!"
The Couple's Retreat
Colonia Tovar
The scenery from our room.
The room on the top right was where we stayed.
Couple's session |
Waiting for lunch! |
My husband and I. |
Shops, shops and more shops! :) |
Typical hotdog
(A type of french bread, hotdog, cole slaw, mustard, ketchup and crushed potato chips.) |
The ladies and I |
My husband and the men. |
From our hotel room in Maracay. |
Hotel lobby |
Evening in the plaza. |
Freshly made pizza |
Pastor & Mrs. Jose Luis Fuentes and us. |
My husband preaching. |
Closing night of the Family Conference.
Invitation |
Such a quaint looking place! Praise the Lord for His many blessings in those Conferences!