Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ladies Christmas Party!

Last night I hosted our yearly Christmas party for all the ladies in the Missionary Circles in our church.   For some reason my household clears the property!!!  With the exception of this year!  My husband was sick and so he was stuck upstairs in our bedroom.  I'm not sure how much rest he got because of his comments like, "What was so funny?" and  "You ladies were laughing so much!!!". 
We had a great time!  I don't know how we all fit but we had 38 ladies in my family room. 
We started off with a meal catered by Dickey's BBQ, a couple of games, a gift exchange, a prize for the best festive dressed lady and then time to show my gratitude to the ladies.  Every year I recognize my group leaders with words of thankfulness for their hard work and gave them a gift.  Then the leaders give a gift to their ladies in their groups thanking them for their time and hard work.  They all received a christmas ornament that I make especially for them, then we end the evening by having dessert!  :)
I am so thankful for these ladies!  They are faithful to our meetings, the emails, cards and phone calls to our missionaries, their extra love offerings and christmas love offerings they collect for our missionaries, and last but not least their love and prayers.
Thank you ladies for a job well done!  You are the best ladies in the world!  I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you and your ladies had SUCH a fun time! I enjoyed this post because I got a little peek into your home too... so pretty and cozy!
