Monday, August 27, 2012

Count down till the empty nest!

Well, we are now starting our last week together before the boys leave for college. 
My husband at this time is in California preaching a youth conference for Pastor Jaime Morales' church, Iglesia Bautista La Gran Comision.
I guess I'm trying to fit in all the "lasts" before the boys leave. 
We started off with breakfast.  I made them breakfast burritos, one of their favorities.  We then left and did several errands. 
  • Picked up a Chick fil A application for Andres.  (Praise the Lord!  David already has a job waiting for him.  He will be returning to his previous job at Cintas) 
  • Went to the post office to mail Andres' application.
  • Went to a few stores to try to find a few things for David for school. 
  • Went to the grocery store for the last buying of junk food and fattening food.  Lol!
  • Went to the bank.
  • Went to the dry cleaners.
  • Came home and started dinner.
  • After dinner, we just relaxed and chatted while David was down loading some sermons into his laptop.
Tonight I made beef stew over white rice, one of their favorites! :)

Today I went to work at church.  Andres has been doing some part-time work at church so he also worked.  David came along for the ride. 
After work we went to the post office to mail some things for the church & checked the churchs' p.o. box for any mail.  We then came home and the boys relaxed a little while I did some house work and started dinner. 
Later in the evening the boys met some old classmates from their school and played basketball.  It was their last time to get together before everyone left for college.

The requested meal for this evening was enchilada casserole, mexican rice and salad.

Today I went on to work while the boys stayed home and began the process of packing.  I have lots to do at the church so it worked out great that we could all get our things started or at least try to!  :)
I came home for lunch and we all went back so I could finish my day of work and Andres could put in his last few hours of work.  He has been a blessing in helping with the load at church!  He is in charge of cleaning our 5 church vans inside and out plus the bus.  He also sets up the classrooms for Sunday school, or sets the rooms up for special meetings or showers, he keeps our offices and bookstore vacumed and other jobs that need to be done.  Today was his last day.  I'm going to miss him not being around not only at home but at work. 
We then came home to do a few things before we got ready for church.  (Their last Wednesday night service.) 
After church, we had a last get together at McDonalds before the kids leave for college.  Some are leaving tomorrow, Friday and next Monday so tonight was a good night for this.
I didn't do a requested meal tonight because they ate at McDonalds. 

 Back row:  David Ortiz (returning student), Nic Tamayo (new student), Andres Ortiz (new student), Ariana Ramirez (new student)
Front row:  Lilia Menjivar (new student), Diana Valencia (returning student) & Jazmin Rios (new student)


This morning I made the boys one of the few homemade breakfast' left!  Fried eggs, sausage & fried potatoes.  They enjoyed it! :)   
While waiting for the air-condition repair man to arrive we continued packing and doing a deep cleaning to the boys room.  Our air has not been working since last Sunday and boy is it HOT!  The repairman did come and fixed it without any problem.   
The boys also got haircuts and picked up dry cleaning.
YAY!  My husband got home around 1:30 p.m.  We are glad to have him home again!  :)  The conference he preached in went great!  The Lord blessed!
We had an early dinner which the boys requested lasagna, salad and tostones (which is fried plantain).  I accidently deleted the picture.  :(
After dinner we got ready to leave and headed to Gainsville, TX where my husband preached a family conference in Pastor Omar Vera's church.  It will go till Saturday.
We had a busy but profitable day!  :)  I'm enjoying every minute with my boys till they leave.

Today we had a "family day" or should I say a "family morning" out.  We went out for breakfast and did some more preparation for our boys. 
For each and every one of our kids when leaving for college their first year, we take them out and bought them a camera to have memories of college and for Elyssa a purity ring and the boys a purity watch. 
So we took Andres and bought him his.  We then did some last minute buying and then came home.
Their requested meal today was a cookout.  We had marinated fajita meat, italian sausage, hashbrown casserole, puerto rican rice and salad. 
We then got ready and left for the conference my husband was preaching in and left.
We went soulwinning today then came home and ate a quick lunch so we could leave for the last night of the conference.  It's been a really busy past 3 days but it's been nice that we could be in a conference together before the boys leave. 
After the service Pastor Vera and his family took our family out to eat.  We enjoyed spending that time with them. 
We then came home and prepared for Sunday.

Well, today was the last day before we leave and their last service in their home church. 
I have to be honest with you, I have tried to avoid too much thought on them leaving.  I don't know if that will or will not help me when I return home.  I'm just concentrating on the present memories!  :)
The last meal I made until they come home and visit is a mexican dish, mole.  (Not the animale mole.)  Lol!  With mexican rice and don't ask me why but mashed potatoes.  To each his own! :)
It was a good day in church.  They boys said good-bye to their bus kids and jr. church kids. They really got attached.  Yes, I was a little mellow but good things to come in the future!  I'm anxious to hear of their college experiences, dates, classes, ministries they will work in and so on. 

It is now 12:55 a.m. Monday morning.  I'm going to post this and go pack.  We are excited and anxious at the same time.  We need to leave for the airport at 4 so I probably will not go to sleep tonight.
Most likely I will not be posting until I return home but if you would like to keep up with the happenings of our trip you can follow me on instagram.  (gabriellasgrandmommy11)
Otherwise I will have plenty to post about when I return.

To all the moms out there that will have an empy nest this'll be fine!  We now have more time to spend with our husbands.  Remember all the times we had to leave him waiting for his dinner because we were tending to little ones crying or wanting to eat?  It's husband time now!  :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ordination Service 1986

It was 26 years ago this evening that my husband was ordained to the ministry by Dr. Jack Hyles. 
A lot has happened in those 26 years of the ministry.  Many blessings, trials, laughter, tears, victories, the privilege of helping others and on and on we could add that happens in being in the ministry. 
As a teen girl I never dreamed I'd be in full-time Christian service.  For that matter go to a Christian college.  But with a grateful heart I am so thankful the Lord guided me to do so and doing full-time what I am doing, being a pastor's wife. 
As for my husband, he loves to preach!  He can't picture himself doing anything else in this world.  He loves studying the Bible, teaching the Bible in our Wednesday night Bible studies and of course preaching and helping our people.
We are one happy couple serving the Lord!  :)

 August 16, 1986
August 16, 1986

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


We had our August ladies missionary circle meeting last Friday night.  Since August is the month when most kids go back to school, I thought I would pick a theme that would be appropriate.
I assigned our church college students to each ladies missionary circle.  We send birthday cards and notes of encouragement to them while they are in school studying for the ministry. 
For the teaching this month I shared with the ladies 5 things we can apply to our christian lives that are similar to going back to school.
1.  The most important meal of the day is breakfast!  Eating breakfast gives us the energy we need to have a good start of our day. 
As Christians we need spiritual nutrition first thing in the morning.  I realize some have a more busy and hectic schedule in the morning then others.  At least read a verse in the morning and then in the evening take time to have your bible time.  Have a desire to get spiritually fed!  Matthew 5:6

2.  To make good grades and pass classes in school one must have good study habits and work hard.
As Christians we need to study God's word and keep it in our hearts and minds in order to pass the testings in our lives as Christians.  We need wisdom to make the right choices and we get wisdom by reading and studying God's word.  II Timothy 2:15.

3.  Getting along with other classmates.
How many times do we pass a school playground and see children standing along the fence?  It's usually because they were fighting.  We are always telling our children to get along or not to fight but yet.....sometimes we as adults do the same thing.  We mistreat one another, give someone the cold shoulder or ignore one who may have hurt us.  I wonder if God were to put us against the walls of the church when we mistreat someone we would think twice.  I know I would!  :)  I John 4:19-21

4.  Proper attire.  Many schools have a uniform or have rules & guidelines for the school dress code.  We will do what we have to do to abide by that.  We go out and buy whatever our children need to be able to meet that school dress code.
Why then should we get upset when the preacher teaches or preaches on women dressing modestly and appropriately.  We dress proper for other occassions.  Weddings, funerals, going to the park or to the store.
As a christian, going to church should be the most important place you go to.  We are going to a place where we are being taught about the one who saved us and gave His life for us.  Therefore, we should dress properly and modestly.  We represent the Lord not the world!  I Timothy 2:9

5.  Students need the proper rest to be able to perform well in school.  If they don't have the proper rest they will be cranky, wake up late, sleepy in class and will not be able to concentrate in class.
Sunday should be a very important day of the week for us.  For that reason, we should plan ahead on getting ready for that day.
  • Go to bed at a decent time on Saturday night.
  • Have everything ready the night before.  Clothes picked out, ironed and laid out.
  • If needed, take a little nap on Sunday afternoon.  Sunday afternoon shouldn't be a time where we pack it in with many errands and things to do.  That could cause us to get to church late and tired for the evening service.
Not getting enough rest can cause us to wake up late for church, be cranky with others and sleepy in church that you can't concentrate or pay attention.

Soon are children will graduate and receive their diplomas showing that they completed their schooling. 
Someday we will go to heaven-we will graduate from the school of life.  I don't know about you but I want the Lord to say to me, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant!"

Missionary Circles Sara & Rebeca provided the snack for the meeting.

Decorations: I hung up a school uniform, blanket & pillow, a cereal box and a Bible.  On a display table I put several school supplies including text books, pencils, markers, ruler, calculator, book bag, an apple, lunch sack, thermus, glue, 3x5 cards and a diploma.

Prizes:  A purse calculator, small notebook, package of gel pens, $5 lunch money & a cube of paper for notes.
All the ladies received a school bookmarker as a rememberance of the meeting.

Monday, August 13, 2012

A Gabriella Update!

My grandbaby is enjoying deputation!  They are now in New Mexico.  I know they keep a pretty tight and busy schedule but always find time to enjoy the sights and have family time together. 
Please keep them in your prayers that the Lord gives them safety on the road as they travel. 

 Daddy's girl
Mom, where are my sunglasses?

Caracas, Venezuela

This past week my husband preached at a Pastor's & Leader's Conference in Caracas, Venezuela hosted by one of our missionaries, Pastor Jose Luis Fuentes.  There were 38 pastors represented in that conference with some bringing a delegation of people.
It was a very busy week for my husband as he spoke 13 times but what a great result with 43 adults and teens surrendering to full-time service.  :)

Youth Conference in Tenaha, TX

A couple of weeks ago we took our teenagers to Tenaha, TX for a youth conference.  The theme this year was "Whom shall I send?"  We had a really great time!  Filled with Bible games, singing, game competitions, special music and of course the preaching.  There were at least 15 different churches represented this year.  It just amazes me how a church in a small town of 1,060 people can hold such a large conference and have a great crowd.
My husband was one of the guest preachers and I must say God did use him!  I love to hear my husband preach!  Even though I have heard him use the same jokes, illustrations and examples throughout the years, I still laugh or cry.  He is my favorite preacher! :)
There were many teens and some adults that surrendered to full-time christian service in that conference.  Praise the Lord!

Game competitions
Special music
Special music from the rondalla
My favorite preacher!

Those that surrendered to full-time christian service

Baby Shower for Jaclyn Hernandez

Last Wednesday we squeezed in a baby shower for one of our ladies, Teresa that is from our church.  Her and her husband were visiting for a week from Hammond, IN.  Her husband, Bro. Ivan is attending Hyles-Anderson College and has 1 1/2 years till he finishes.  Both Ivan & Teresa were saved in our church a few years before my husband became the pastor of our church.   
Because of their limited time here and our church's schedule we had to squeeze a shower in somehow so we decided to do it after the service last Wednesday night. 
If you have ever been in college as a married student and especially having a baby, you know things can be very tight financially.  We wanted to be a blessing and help them get started for their baby girl, Jaclyn.
We are so proud of this young couple!  Teresa graduated from Lone Star Baptist College in Mesquite, TX.  A few years later Ivan & Teresa started dating, got married and soon after left for Indiana so Ivan could attend college.  He has been called to preach. 
What a satisfying feeling it is to see our young people leave so that they can get prepared to serve the Lord! 
We love you both and you are always in our church's prayers!  

Monday, August 6, 2012

Congratulations Gelacio & Jaibeth!

Last Saturday 2 of our young people from our church were married.  What a sweet wedding it was! We are so proud of these two young people.  They have showed so much love and respect for their parents and I know they will carry that into their marriage with each other. 
We look forward to having them as a new family in our church! :)

 Mr. & Mrs. Gelacio Sanchez, Jr.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Gabriella's Birthday Party!

Last Saturday was Gabriella's birthday party.  They planned a hawaiian theme party which was a lot of fun.  As you walked in the door we were each given a lei.  The house was all decorated with hawaiian decorations.  Even the front yard had lots of decorations.  They planned games for outside but with the weather being VERY hot they had to cut them short.  They served cupcakes, ice cream and fruit kabobs.  As the guest left they recieved a cookie on a stick decorated with icing. 
Gabriella seemed to enjoy all the attention and was a very good hostess!  :)
My husband and I were talking about this past year and cannot believe how fast it has gone.  We have enjoyed every moment of watching Gabriella grow and change every month.  From smiling, making funny faces, trying to say dada & mama, to trying new foods, walking and holding out her hands, smiling and wanting us to pick her up!  Elyssa is so good at sending us videos and pictures of Gabriella.  As of this moment I have 2,371 pictures and 283 videos on my phone.  I think about 95% is of my grandbaby!  :)  (I know!  I have to save them in my computer!)
Praise the Lord for the year of life and health He has given her!  We are very grateful and thankful!  We look forward to the upcoming years to come as we watch her grow and see how many more the Lord adds to our family!  :)

I started walking 1 1/2 weeks before my birthday!
We took Gabriella for a day and took her shopping! :)

Playing with her new toys. 
Grandpa Zapata made this beautiful sign for her b-day party.

Let the party begin!!!!

Uncle David being a nut!

Game time!

Happy Birthday to me!

Yummmm!  My very own cupcake!  And look how big! :D

Don't bother me!

Yay!  Time for presents!

Ohh ohh!  This girl is going to love clothes!

From my uncles Danny, David & Andres

Great-grandpa/grandma Dominguez

I made cookie pops for the party!  They were very easy!  For those interested, here's how.






Taken on my birthday.