Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Teen Soul Winner of the year!

Last Monday night was our first formal teen banquet!  The teens were all dressed so nice!  The girls went out and bought formals and the guys were all dressed up with their suits. 
We had a wonderful time!  The meal was delicious and the atmosphere was very nice.  We held it at the Dallas Cowboys Golf Club in Grapevine, TX. 
The teens received certificates for reading their Bible, winning souls to Christ and in many other areas. 
Pastor Bob Gray II was our guest preacher accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Kelly Gray. 
It was a great night seeing how hard our teens worked all year long in accomplishing many spiritual goals in their lifes.  But I must say the highlight of my night was seeing our son, Andres receive an award for having the most souls won in 9 months of the program!  He lead 115 souls to the Lord!  He received a brand new Bible with his name engraved, a plack and his way paid to the Teen Convention this year.
Way to go Andres!  I know you worked hard and I praise the Lord for the souls that are on their way to heaven!

Pastor & Mrs. Bob Gray, Andres, my husband and I.

1 comment:

  1. I will enjoy reading your blog, Mrs. Ortiz!

    Thank you for all you did for my mother when she was there...She really enjoyed her time with you all!

    Tomorrow she flies to Chicago; she said she will use her VIP privileges. Thank you SO much for getting that for her!

    Congratulations to your son for the award won. I know the rewards in Heaven will be worth all the work he has done. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, ANDRES!

    I look forward to reading more from you, Mrs. Ortiz!

    Love from Mexico,
    Anna (Sloan) López
