Monday, August 15, 2011

The Blessings of God!

Last Friday night we had our bi-monthly Missionary Circle Meeting.  The theme was "The Blessings of God!"  We had umbrellas hanging from the ceiling and on the floor in the corners of the room and we also sang "Showers of Blessings".  I shared with the ladies that a lot of times we focus so much on the negative happening around us and to us, that we forget the positive which are the blessings that God has given us.  I encouraged us all to think of the positive when something negative happens.  No matter what happens and how much we may hurt, God is good!  The next time you find yourself thinking negative (like I have before) read Psalm 103 and be reminded of how good God is to us! :)

Ladies are divided into groups to pray for their specific missionaries, read letter updates and making plans to send cards for future birthdays and anniversaries to our missionary families. 

We have childcare provided for the moms who come to the meetings.  They play games, sing songs, have storytime on famous missionaries and snack time.  The teen girls that help me in this area do a great job!  Thank you girls!  I love and appreciate you! :)

Of course we can't forget our security guards on duty!  We are so thankful they are alert and roaming the facilities to make sure that things are fine and secure!  Wake up Bro. Daniel!

1 comment:

  1. Please thank your ladies from us! We love knowing that you are praying for us... It means the world to us here on the other side of the world! Jolene
