As I sit back and reflect on the busy activities of yesterday, I am reminded that I am so blessed and have a grateful heart for all that God has given me!
First of all for my salvation! I am so thankful that I was raised in a christian home and have accepted Jesus into my heart.
It was 10 years ago last night that I started experiencing some terrible symtoms. I remember cooking a big Thanksgiving meal for my family and company. As I sat down to eat I realized that I didn't have much of an appetite. I was very nauseated and fatigue. I hardly ate. The next morning when I woke up the symtoms were stronger. I went through the whole day pushing myself to get the house decorated for Christmas. My family did most of the work. By Saturday I continued to get worse so my husband took me to the emergency room. They said I had a bad virus and sent me home. All week I was miserable and continued to feel the same. When I woke up on Saturday morning my skin was so yellow and so were the whites of my eyes. I was jaundice and so fatigue. We again went to the emergency room where they started to do more tests and blood work. By this time I was very weak. After reviewing my results they told me I had hepetitus B. How? How did I get that? We came to the conclusion that when I had back surgery 2 months before, I must have somehow contacted it.
The doctors pretty much told me to go home and rest and try to get better. If no improvement they would start chemotheraphy on me. I was shocked! I couldn't believe that all this was happening and so fast. I was sleeping 18-20 hours a day. I couldn't do anything! At that time our children were 13, 11, 9 and 7 years old. They were so sweet and helpful with helping out in the house. They would come home from school and come to the sofa where I laid and would tell me about their day at school and sometimes watch cartoons while I slept. They just wanted to be near me and of course I wanted them near. I could remember feeling like my body was slowly shutting down. What a scary feeling that was! But just having my family around me was a comfort.
My husband emailed and called every family member, friend and preacher he knew and asked them to pray for me.
I know with the prayers of our family and friends and the help of a natural doctor, God healed me! It is amazing how God took care of my family at that time. I know it was alot for my husband. He had just taken the position of dean of men at the college in Longview and was also teaching at the college to then come home and help take care of me and the children. I couldn't work and there was no income coming in on my part but God took care of that also.
God is so good! I know we go through times that are tough and hard. Many times we don't understand why! But God always carries us through and is with us every step of the way taking care of us. He allows things in our lives for a reason. We just have to trust Him and know that He is in control.
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5&6